Golden Sunshine Entertainment ProductsInfrared Contact Lenses PokerMarked CardsTexas Holdem Omaha Poker AnalyzerPlaying Card Reader Scanner Camera
marked playing cards contact lenses

Bicycle best marked deck

 How to make a marked deck of cards, here GS marked cards can give you some tips. It is easy to do and we explain it all here.
A marked deck is a regular deck that has been marked on the back in a way that reveals the value on the cards face. So when a magic marked card is selected for example the 9 of clubs, you can look at the back of that card and see that the value is the nine of clubs, just need to work with luminous ink kit for marking cards and ultraviolet contact lens for poker. A great deck to have in your arsenal.
This is the marked playing cards you have been waiting for!
Identify any poker playing card without seeing its face.
Read the identifiers of the cards directly without having to mark the card yourself.
Yes, No codes, No symbol to interpret, No marking system to learn.
Use genuine marked Bicycle cards without having to mark the cards yourself.
Hand out the deck without fear of detection.
Instant location and direct reading of the marks.
All the qualities of the ideal marked deck at long last brought together in the Ultimate Marked Deck, also the associated luminous reader infrared glasses, and poker contact lenses.

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