Golden Sunshine Entertainment ProductsInfrared Contact Lenses PokerMarked CardsTexas Holdem Omaha Poker AnalyzerPlaying Card Reader Scanner Camera

Feature Of Superior Infrared Contact Lenses

The IR contact lenses are special for reading the invisible ink marked cards. What makes IR contact lenses superior? Now, I will show some of their advantages with you.
First of all, the IR contact lenses are for reading the invisible ink marked playing cards. With good quality, they are able to see the marks on cards clearly at a long distance around the poker table. Second, they will not change your original eyes’ color. They can be suitable for different colors of eyes, such as black eye, gray eye, blue eye and green eye. Third, the degree and center diameter (ranging from 4mm to 12mm) of these lenses can be customized according to your requirements. Thus, you choose suitable one pair for your cards playing cheat. Besides, the materials of these lenses are made with superior quality, so that they will not do any harm to your eyes. With this kind of excellent device for your games, you are able to know the suits and values of next cards easily. Knowing the poker face of next cards, you can play the following sections more confidently and cautiously. With those advantages, they make IR contact lenses outstanding and superior among poker cheating devices.
In addition, if you are nearsighted or farsighted, we will try our best to tailor to you. Please contact us for further information if you have a need!